Baroque pearls
Baroque pearls, pronounced 'bah roak', are pearls with an irregular non-spherical shape.Shapes can range from minor aberrations to distinctly avoid, curved, pinch, or lumpy shapes.They are the absolute opposite of traditional pearls because each one has its very own shape and size.
Tahitian Pearl
The Tahitian pearl is an organic gem formed from the black lip oyster (Pinctada margaritifera). These pearls derive their name from the fact that they are primarily cultivated around the islands of Tahiti.
Coin Pearls
Coin pearls are cultured, mostly farmed in China in freshwater mussels in river, lakes or streams. The pearl farmer will insert a flat round nucleus made of shell to help the mussel form the shape of the coin pearl, turning the shell so that there is an equal thickness of nacre on both sides of the pearl.
The weight of diamond production each year is about 10 times greater than the weight of the annual Australian South Sea pearl harvest, even with advanced cultivation practices.
This is how Chinese think about pearls
The Chinese once thought that pearls fell from the sky when dragons were fighting, while others thought they were moonlight trapped in dewdrops.Ancient Greeks thought they were the tears of the gods.